International Alliance for Women in Music

Annual Concert 

The Annual Concert recognizes the accomplishments of IAWM member composers and performers and increases the awareness of the musical contributions of women globally. Submissions begin March 1, 2024

Call for Works: Annual Concert 2024

 October 19, 2024

University of Minnesota at Duluth, Weber Music Hall


Composers and Performers are welcome to apply!

Electronic and Electro-Acoustic concert with and without performers:

Submissions can begin March 1, 2024. Length of works should be less than 10 minutes.


  • Only one (1) entry per person, composer, performer or  composer/performer.
  • Current membership in IAWM is required for submission. If membership is not current at time of submission, the work will be disqualified.
  • To join IAWM or renew your membership, click here.
  • Performer attendance for the rehearsals on October 18th and 19th is required.
  • Composer attendance is preferred.
  • Any text submitted must either have express permission of the copyright holder, or are in the public domain.
  • Applicants selected agree to have their works and performances streamed, photographed and archived.

By submitting to this competition, composers selected agree to have their works presented in the concert and available for streaming via the IAWM website and social media sites. This does NOT affect the composer/author ownership of copyright.

How to submit:

All composers and performers must submit their works electronically through New Music Engine. If you do not already have a New Music Engine account, you will be required to create one.

Composers MUST submit a .pdf file of the score (or documentation), an .mp3 sound file of the work, and a tech rider. If a recording of a performance/reading is not available, .mp3 files of MIDI realizations or links to a video are acceptable. Composers must also indicate whether they plan to bring their own performer(s)/perform the work themselves or if they need IAWM to provide performers. 

Performers MUST submit a .pdf file of the score/documentation, either an .mp3 sound file of the work or a LINK to a video, and a tech rider. This may be on YouTube or available via a Dropbox or Google Drive link. Links MUST remain available through September 2024. Performers must identify the instrument or voice part of the performance and what additional instrumentation, if any, will be required (i.e. piano, flute, etc.).

Our selection process is anonymous. The score may not contain any identifying information (no name, publisher, or dates, please). Please make sure no identifying data or metadata is attached to the sound files, other than the title of the piece. The name and information of the composer (author) submitted in the registration process will be shielded from judges and revealed only after final selections have been made.

Submit program notes of 100 words or less to the “Abstract” section. Please use the Abstract section to provide an English translation of any works not in English.

Deadline for receipt of materials is May 7, 2024.
Results will be announced  July 7, 2024.

Questions may be addressed to the Annual Concert Chair, Eline Cote, at [email protected]