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Send us your questions, comments & suggestions
The IAWM is proud of its historical contributions to the progress for women in music and continues to work for equality for performers, composers, researchers, orchestrators, educators, and more.
Your information is directed to our communications team. If you need to contact a particular person in IAWM, you can direct your email to [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]. All journal inquiries should be sent to [email protected]. See Journal page for more
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join IAWM?
Click on the Join/Renew button on the IAWM homepage, this will take you to the JOIN page. Under Membership Types, click to join and fill out the form. Select the type of membership most appropriate for you and pay via credit card, Paypal, or check.
I don't remember my password! What do I do?
First, don’t berate yourself for it—we all forget passwords. There are just so many. Then, go ahead and hit the “Log In” button on the home page. You’ll see that there’s a “Lost Your Password” option. Click on it and follow the directions—a new password will be sent to you via the email address. If you don’t get a new password emailed to you pretty instantly, be sure to check your email’s spam folder.
I'm having problem updating my membership information. Who do I contact for help?
Go to the Contact Us page with your question, and be sure to select “Membership” from the Query Type menu. Alternately, you can email our Membership Chair at
Something weird happened with my membership payment! How can I get help?
Go to the Contact Us page to send us your question. Be sure to select “Treasurer” from the Query Type menu. Alternately, you can email our treasurer at
I need to make changes in my profile (my address, institution, new image, etc.)! How do I do that?
After you’ve joined IAWM, you can log in to the website at any time. The first page you’ll see is your own Membership Profile, which you can edit as you like. You can load up a new picture, change your address, or institution, add your website link, create a new password—you’re in charge of your own membership information.
I just got a fabulous new headshot! How do I upload it to my profile?
See above…After you’ve joined IAWM, you can log in to the website at any time. The first page you’ll see is your Membership Profile, which you can edit as you like. We love to see you smile!
I'd like to become more involved with IAWM. What are some ways I can do that?
There are lots of ways to be involved with IAWM! Here are just a few:
- Enter one of our competitions, like the Search for New Music, the Pauline Alderman Award, the Programming Award, or the Music Educators Grant, more to come…
- Apply to have one of your works performed at the next Annual Concert
- HOST an Annual Concert!
- Send in a proposal for a composition or presentation at the next Conference.
- Propose and present a Webinar!
- Our Journal, published quarterly, has many opportunities for members! Submit an article proposal. If you attended a festival or conference, write a report so all of our members will know about it. Let us know more about your activities through Members’ News. The Journal lists recent Releases and Publications. Members receive discounts for advertising in the Journal.
- Share your ideas and thoughts with the board. We serve you!
- Join a committee or consider nominating yourself for our Board. IAWM is a members-run organization, and we always need new voices and hands for our many projects. The Call for Board Nominations usually begins in early July.
- Get to know other members – share ideas!