International Alliance for Women in Music

Conference 2025

Every three years, IAWM brings together performers, composers, scholars, innovators, conductors, audio engineers, improvisers, theorists, and more who celebrate, challenge, and transform our future through music. Submissions begin March 15, 2024.

2025 IAWM International Conference


Partnering with the


College Music Society


June 15-23, 2025


Bogotá and Medellín Colombia, South America


 Women in the World

Call for Papers, Presentations, Panel Discussion, Scores and more

Submission Deadline: May 15, 2024, 11:59pm

 Thank you for all who submitted:  

Notifications: June 2-9, 2024

Registration begins by mid-June 


Registration for the 2025 CMS & IAWM International Conference is now open via the CMS conference website!

The International Alliance for Women in Music is excited to invite you to register for Women in the World, our 2025 Conference to be held at the beautiful campuses of Javeriana University, a private university founded in 1623 in Bogotá, and EAFIT University  a modern university in Medellín Colombia.

We have a great conference planned for you!  We will experience one of the most beautiful countries in South America. We will arrive in Bogotá, a bustling metropolis with cultural and gastronomic offerings that are the envy of any major city. The conference then moves to Medellín, also known as the City of Eternal Spring, where positive leadership and vision have transformed the city into a safe and modern place to visit.  Cultural visits will include local Coffee Farms, Cultural Instiutions including the Museo Nacional de Colombia, walking tours and more. Finally, no visit to Colombia would be complete without salsa dancing, and we will learn with some of the finest dance teachers in the city.

Please note the following information:

– All presenters, performers, collaborators, and travel companions are required to register for the conference.

– All registrations will go through the CMS conference website, whether your proposal was accepted for IAWM or CMS.

– Please only register once, even if you have proposals accepted for both CMS and IAWM.

– For more detailed information about the registration process and policies, please visit the

Registration Page, Terms & Conditions Page, and the FAQ Page.


Presenters, Panelists, Composers and Performers MUST be current members of the International Alliance for Women in Music (IAWM)  at the time of REGISTRATION. Keep in mind the processing time for membership applications and/or renewals can be 1–2 business days.

Join Here Now


Registration Fees for the 2025 IAWM / CMS Conference

$1,289 IAWM/CMS Member

$1,189 IAWM/CMS Senior Member

$   889 IAWM/CMS Student Member

$1,139 Traveling Companion (adult)

$   300 Traveling Companion (6–18 years old)

$1,399 Non-CMS / Non-IAWM Member


Inclusions in Registration Fee:

  • June 19th flight from Bogotá to Medellín
  • Coach transfers as outlined in the itinerary
  • Guides for scheduled sightseeing tours & excursions
  • Group meals & breaks as outlined in itinerary
  • Special events & receptions
  • Admission fees for scheduled sightseeing tours, cultural activities, and excursions
  • Admission to all scheduled performances and presentations
  • Guides for scheduled sightseeing tours & excursions
  • Gratuities for drivers, guides, & food servers
  • Conference venue rental & related production expenses
  • Administrative support
  • Contracted services of a licensed destination management company

Exclusions : The following expenses are not included and are the responsibility of each attendee:

  • International Airfare to Columbia
  • Ground transfer between home and local airport
  • Lodging (see separate hotel information)
  • Ground transfer between home and local airport
  • Meals listed as “on own” on itinerary
  • Pre- or post-conference excursions
  • Travel insurance – highly recommended
  • Souvenirs & other non-essential items


Hotel Information

CMS has reserved a special rate with the following hotels for 2025 CMS International Conference attendees:



  • Grand Hyatt Bogotá (Bogotá, Colombia)
  • Estelar Milla De Oro (Medellín, Colombia)
  • These special rates are exclusively available by booking through the Hotel Reservation Form on the CMS website. The deadline for hotel reservations is January 10, 2025, but we strongly encourage you to secure your booking as early as possible, as availability within the room block is limited.
  • You are not required to stay in the conference hotels. However, transportation to and from the universities, excursions, catered events, and other activities will depart from and return to the hotels listed below.
  • If you would like to room with someone during the conference, please fill out the Roommate Finder Form. Participants are responsible for coordinating logistics with roommates. A full listing of individuals looking for roommates can be found on the 2025 International Conference Roommate Finder List.
  • The rates below include tax and service charges, as well as breakfast at the hotel.

Bogotá (4 nights: June 15-19, 2025)
Grand Hyatt Bogotá

  • Single: $260 / night
  • Double: $295 / night

Make your reservation at the Grand Hyatt Bogotá

Medellín (5 nights: June 19-24, 2025)
Estelar Milla De Oro

  • Single: $195 / night
  • Double: $235 / night

Make your reservation at the Estelar Milla De Oro


Hotel FAQ

Q: Is it required that I purchase a room at the conference hotels?




A: It is not required but it is strongly encouraged. CMS holds financial liability for all rooms within the hotel room block, and booking your stay in the CMS conference hotel(s) helps ensure CMS will not face financial penalties.


Q: If I purchase a room at the conference hotel through an online wholesaler, such as Hotwire or, will CMS be credited for the sale?

A: No. Only rooms booked by using the conference reservations link will count toward the fulfillment of the contracted block. Please book your rooms through the provided means of reservation only.


Q: I will arrive early in the morning on June 15. Will I be able to store my luggage until the hotel allows me to check in?

A: Yes! If you will be checking in as a guest of the Grand Hyatt Bogotá, the hotel will store your luggage for you until your room is ready. If you have made alternative lodging arrangements, you should check the policy of your arranged hotel.


Q: If I choose to stay somewhere other than one of the conference hotels, will CMS be able to organize transportation between my choice of lodging and the conference hotel, or will CMS reimburse me for such transportation?

A: CMS can only confirm these logistics for attendees staying at the conference hotel(s).


Q: I am staying somewhere other than the conference hotel. Is it possible for the bus transferring attendees between locations to pick me up at my choice of lodging?

A: CMS can only confirm these logistics for attendees staying at the conference hotel(s).


Q: I do not have a travel companion. Is it possible to share the cost of a room with another participant?

A: Yes! We encourage you to use the CMS Roommate Finder tool to list yourself or to locate others who have added themselves to this roster.


Preparation of Materials for Submission

Electronic submissions are through Submittable are required

  • The IAWM’s conference submission process is through Submittable. If you don’t already have a Submittable account, you will be prompted to create one. (Click here for help using Submittable and a list of FAQs.)
  • To submit a proposal, first sign in to the IAWM website. Then click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of this call. IAWM’s conference submissions will be using CMS’s submittable account.
  • A complete proposal includes:
    • The proposal’s title and format.
    • Type of proposal: See above
    • Abstract of proposal: Not to exceed 250 words
    • Optional: You may add up to 3 supporting materials to your proposal. These might include printed music examples, photos, statistics, or relevant data. (NO dissertations, CVs, resumes, or PowerPoint presentations)
    • For Compositions:
      • The score’s title, movements, composer, year of composition, instrumentation, and duration, rounding up to the nearest half minute. If a proposal includes partial selection, clarify in the program notes which sections will be performed.
      • A PDF copy of the full score and individual parts (anonymous). The score may be notated at concert pitch or transposed but the composer is asked to make this clear in the score.
      • Multi-movement scores should be merged into a single PDF file, as should all parts.
      • A digital recording of the work. MIDI file/software-synthesis realizations are acceptable
      • Most audio file formats are supported within Submittable.
      • Program notes (not to exceed 250 words).
      • Name of performers or ensemble, where applicable
      • Biographies of the performer(s) or ensemble (maximum total text of 250 words).
    • Two audio samples to demonstrate the proficiency of the soloist/ensemble between 3 and 8 minutes. Preference will be given to submissions including the proposed work. When not possible, submit comparable examples. PDF reference scores to accompany the audio samples submitted under item #4.
    • A brief biography of the proposer (not to exceed 250 words)
    • A list of all required equipment and Internet needs. (Internet connections are not guaranteed).
    • Contact details for Submitting Proposer and all collaborators, including email address, mailing address, and phone number and biography for each person. If your presentation includes 3 or more persons, download this spreadsheet, save the file using your name as the file name (e.g., smith_john.xlsx), and complete the requested information for each involved person. You will be required to upload this completed file with your proposal.

Preparing an Abstract

The Conference Committee chooses presentations based primarily on the abstract as submitted, so it is important to write an abstract that the Committee will understand and can evaluate fairly. The purpose of the abstract is to convey to the reader what will be said in the presentation. State the main point of the presentation, outline the subsidiary points, and summarize the evidence offered, so that someone who has not heard the presentation can know in brief what it will say and can evaluate its contribution to our knowledge and understanding of music. The abstract, like the presentation itself, should be clear to an audience of musicians and music educators of all kinds, not just to those with a narrow specialty. While it may be necessary to provide the context or describe the problem to be addressed, please keep this to a minimum.

Please Note

  • To support the blind review process, the name(s) or affiliation(s) of anyone involved in the presentation should not appear in the title or abstract, nor in the file names or body of submitted audio
  • Samples or other support materials, as submissions are evaluated anonymously. Proposals identifying the proposer or co-presenters will be disqualified. Names and affiliations may, however, appear in the “Personnel” section of the proposal and in submitted biographies, as the review committee will not have access to this part of the application.
  • When referencing one’s own previously published research, the proposer should refer to such research in the third person to avoid identifying themselves.
  • Submissions that do not conform to the above guidelines will not be considered.


IAWM Call for Lecture-Recitals & Performances

IAWM Call for Panels & Workshops

IAWM Call for Papers

IAWM Call for Scores

IAWM Call for Virtual Listening Performances

    Proposals must be submitted by the deadline: May 15, 2024, 11:59pm

    Proposers will be notified by June 1, 2024


    For additional questions, please send an email to: [email protected]


    Conference Committee:

    Joanna Hersey- IAWM
    Associate Dean, Composer, Performing Artist, Tuba, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, North Carolina, USA


    Anyone attending and/or presenting must pay the registration fee. Our hope is that presenters fully participate in all the activities at the IAWM conference (in addition to presenting their own music, paper, virtual performance, or workshops. We hope to have an engaging and community building experience together. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.