International Alliance for Women in Music

Membership Signup & Renewal

If you want to renew, please login to your account first.

Please fill in the form below and submit payment
to activate or renew your IAWM membership.

IAWM Membership Form

IAWM membership includes a subscription to the Journal of the IAWM, published twice a year; access to participation in IAWM Congresses; opportunities for awards in composition, scholarship, and performance; optional IAWM Listserv for announcements and commentary; opportunities to participate in annual concerts; eligibility to run for and hold office positions within IAWM; and connections within a vibrant community made up of people in 30 countries on 5 continents for the purpose of celebrating and supporting women in music. 

Membership Types

Below are a list of membership types to chose from. Seniors are 65+. All types except lifetime memberships are valid for 1 year from date of signup. Lifetime membership costs $1000 and may be paid in $200 installments over 5 years. Joint lifetime membership costs $1500 and may be paid in $300 installments over 5 years.

Update your existing IAWM profile

Lifetime $1000
Journal Only