The Journal of the IAWM is published four times a year, and welcomes contributions about women in music from both members and non-members. The Journal includes research articles about women in any field of music, both contemporary and historic; interviews; reports on major conferences, congresses, and festivals; information on current research; members’ news; IAWM news; and reviews of books, recordings, concerts, and scores.
Libraries and other institutions can subscribe by writing to [email protected]. ISSN: 1082-1872
We accept submissions all year long; and we have revised our deadlines to better serve you. So get your proposals in early!
Submission deadlines are: February 28, May 30, August 30, and November 30, 2025. See Contribution Guidelines below.
Spring 2025
IAWM Members members can access a PDF copy of the current journal by clicking this link.*
If your organization would benefit from the exposure in our IAWM Journal and would like to take advantage of our inexpensive rates, click here.
*Note: You must be logged in to your IAWM member account to view the list, login here. ** If you are interested in purchasing back issues of the journal or if you are an individual or institutional member needing to file a claim for a past journal, please contact [email protected].
Associate Editor
Dr. Elizabeth L. Keathley
Emerita, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Guidelines for Contributors
All Contributions: Submit all contributions as email attachments in MS Wordto [email protected]. Identify the type of submission in the subject line. The journal follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. Other requirements:
Articles: Before submitting an article, please send a proposal (in advance of the article submission date) comprising an abstract of about 250 words and your short biography (50-75 words) by e-mail to [email protected]. The abstract, (in MS Word format) should articulate the context for your inquiry, what you will show (including prior research), your main thesis, evidence, and its relation to women in any period, geographic location or fields of music. Clearly identify previously known material and your new contribution. Musical examples and other illustrations may be attached as separate files. Provide approximate word count for the full article including footnotes. Authors are responsible for obtaining and providing permissions to use copyrighted materials. A short bibliography is helpful. We encourage you to include supporting links to sounding musical or audio and/or visual illustrations. If the proposal is approved, the editor will send more detailed information.
Submitted articles must be complete for professional publication. Ensure the document is proofread. For musical examples, print quality, pdf files are preferred; high resolution, (minimum 300 dpi) TIF or JPG also accepted. Photos should be color and high resolution, and a minimum 300 dpi at size to be used. Submit 2.5×3.5 for headshots, 5×4 for articles, 5×6 for cover. Submit the proposal with “article proposal” in the subject line, and the illustrations as separate attachments with completed article with “article submission” in the subject line.
Reports: To announce new recording releases, upcoming events (conferences, festivals, news items, women-in-music initiatives, etc.), or to contribute a report on a past event, email the information to [email protected]. with either “announcement” or “report” in the subject line.
Reviews: To request a review of your book or recording, email the information to [email protected] with “review request” in the subject line. The Reviews Editor will be in touch regarding next steps. If you wish to review books or recordings for the journal, put “reviewer list” in the subject line, and Dr. Bell will contact you if she needs additional information to add you to her list. To submit a completed review, send it as an email attachment in MS Word to [email protected] with “Review” in the subject line. Reviews are typically about 900 words. Submit illustrations as separate attachments to the same e-mail. See “Articles,” above, for instructions about illustrations.
Members’ News: Please send your news and updates to our new editor, Dr. Amy Zigler at [email protected] as an attachment in MS word with, “Members’ News” in the subject line. Members’ With quarterly opportunities for submission, news contributions should reflect the past 3-6 months, a paragraph limited to 200 words or less, and include one illustration (see “articles,” above, for specifications) or headshot photo and one link to an audio or audiovisual recording.
The deadlines for articles, reports, reviews and member news are February 28, May 30, August 30, and November 30, of each year.
Proposals past the deadline will be considered for future volumes of the Journal of the IAWM.
Advertise your organization, institution, conference, festival or your company in the IAWM Journal. Our members are in 30 countries globally. If your organization would benefit from the exposure in our IAWM Journal and would like to take advantage of our inexpensive rates, click here. Reciprocal advertising is available.