International Alliance for Women in Music
Board Member Search
We’re looking for engaged members, dedicated to supporting and advancing awareness of women’s music, to help shape the future of this organization.
IAWM is looking for Board Members
We are looking for additional board members who are dedicated to supporting and advancing awareness of women’s music. We are excited to have you help shape the future of this organization.
We are interested in working with a diverse team of individuals from a variety of musical interests, specialties, and in various aspects and levels of their careers! As a volunteer board, we are especially seeking board members with skills in fundraising development, marketing, finance, global initiatives, equity, advocacy, membership, digital presentations, and relationship building. The IAWM 2025 Annual Concert will be presented in Europe. The 2025 Conference will take place in Bogotá Colombia.
Be part of the growth and expansion of IAWM. We are committed to equitable diversity and inclusion of all members of the musical community. See more at
This is a very involved board, and we need folks that understand that they will need to carve time out to help with developments and activities of this organization. All labor is conducted through volunteer efforts. If you are willing to donate a minimum of 5-10 hours of active service per month (depending on your role), we need your selfless service. It is required that all board members must remotely attend at least 3 board meetings per year (Fall, Winter, Spring). Attending these meetings are critical, as we need you there to help us carry out this important work, and make it possible for music to be an equitable, diverse and inclusive field.

Call Opens for Nominations: June 15 – August 12
Online Voting for New Board Members Opens to IAWM Members: August-September
Newly Selected Board Members: Notified via email by October 1
Call for nominations closes August 12th, 2024.
Choose to either self nominate or nominate someone else you believe would be a great addition to our board. All Nominees must be IAWM members. Visit to learn how to join.
Your email nomination must include a one-page resume (PDF) and the 200-word statement (PDF) on why you’d like to join the board and how you can best help women in music. Please note that the voting membership will have access to both your one-page resume and 200-word statement so that they can vote accordingly. Please do not put your personal email, address of phone number on these materials, as we want to protect your privacy.
Email your nomination to: Elections and Nominations Chair: [email protected]
You must Include: 2024 IAWM Board Nomination in your email subject line.
In the body of your email, please include your full name (preferred title/pronouns), city/country, email, phone number, and website/social media handle.
If you’re nominating someone else, please be sure to let them know, and also include their full name (preferred title), city/country, email, phone number, and website/social media handle, so we may contact them and confirm their interest in the nomination.
Include: A one-page resume (PDF) and the 200-word statement (PDF) for your nomination to be included on the voting ballot. Please be sure to tell us why you are interested in being on the IAWM board and to let us know if you have any skills or interest in developing skills in fundraising, marketing, website technology, finance, global initiatives, equity, advocacy, or relationship building.
Thank you for considering being a part of IAWM!